Got cabin fever? Take a Hike!

It’s the height of winter. The days are short. The weather is cold. People are bundled up indoors. The kids are driving you crazy (or maybe co-workers). You’ve got Cabin Fever!

Take a hike! Too cold? No way. Get outside and enjoy fresh air and sunshine. Even on a cloudy or snowy day, a hike outdoors can be a big exploration.

And don’t worry about the kids. They’re generally much warmer than adults; they’ll be just fine. And have a blast! Attitude is everything. Proper dressing and a little preparation leads to a successful winter hike.

First, select a place to hike. Explore a local park, nearby state park, wildlife refuge, or conservation area. Many have wonderful trails – short and long – through a variety of natural areas. Check your city or county, MDC, Missouri State Parks, or  Kansas Wildlife, Parks & Tourism websites for places to hike.


Next – dress for the weather; layers of clothing, keeping your head and hands covered, and sturdy shoes especially ones that will keep your feet dry. Snow boots work great for snowy or muddy hiking paths.

Food and drink – If you plan a long hike be certain to take some snacks and drinks to replenish your energy. Important – take all your trash with you for proper disposal at the trail head or at home.IMGP2132


Just enjoy the outdoors. Let the kids run along trails where it is safe (no tripping hazards), climb on rocks, skip, throw snowballs, and explore. Let them lead the way. When my kids were young, they enjoyed climbing around the waterfall at the Parkville Nature Sanctuary.


Happy Trails!