SB 425 – A threat to future conservation

February 13, 2016

Senate Bill 425 transfers authority to regulate conservation easements from the State of Kansas to county commissions.  SB 425 threatens a landowner’s ability to exercise rights of control and management of private lands. SB 425 was assigned to the Senate Natural Resources Committee on February 10. SB 425 is scheduled for a hearing and possible action on Thursday – Feb. 18 – at 8:30 am in Room 159-S. Testimony on SB 425 must be to the Committee Assistant – Toni Beck (785-296-7694) by noon on Wednesday – February 17.

Please contact Senate Natural Resources members about why conservation easements are an important tool to preserve our natural and agricultural heritage. Please ask these Senators to vote NO on SB 425. Please visit KLT’s website for contacts and more information on this threatening legislation to the mission of every land trust in Kansas.

For continual up-to-date information on SB 425, please stay tuned to our website, Facebook, and Twitter accounts.